As Uzer Makina, we provide spare part O-rings used in container mechanisms as well.
As Uzer Makina, we provide mold and container repair and maintenance service in our facility in Turkey as well as in our partners’ plants in US and Russia.
Our drill bits for tire mold cleaning are subjected a special heat treatment process that makes them specifically suitable for the drilling and cleaning of vent holes in both steel and aluminium tire molds.
Spring vents help tire makers to get rid of small hair on the tire surface without the necessity of using puzzle mold. It means better tire appearance and getting rid of additional hair trimming processes which means less investment cost. Spring Vents consists of three parts: case, pin and spring. The case is placed in the tread segment and the pin with spring is pressed until it is secured inside the case. Uzer Makina provides both new technology Spring vents and traditional minivents which are used for letting the air come out of the mold during curing process.
As Uzer Makina, we also provide spare part self-lubricated sliding plates which are used on various parts of container mechanisms including top-bottom plates, actuating ring, segments, and T-guides.